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Manufacturer Part Number: 313070004 Manufacturer / Brand: Seeed Studio
Part of Description: MONOCRYSTL SOLAR CELL 500MW 8.2V Lead Free Status / RoHS Status: table_img Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Shipment Way: DHL/Fedex/TNT/UPS Datasheets:
100% original and authentic
100% test report if single part is over 500USD
100% damaged replacement guaranteed

Product parameters

Manufacturer Seeed Studio
Package Bulk
Description Monocrystalline Solar Cell 500 mW 8.2 V
Manufacturer Standard Lead Time 17 Weeks
Product Status Active
Type Monocrystalline
Power (Watts) – Max 500 mW
Current @ Pmpp 100 mA
Package / Case Cells
Product Type: Multiple Function Sensor Modules

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