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Our Certifications

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Quality and service have always been the cornerstone of G.A. Group's competitiveness. Our commitment to excellence in product quality has earned us authoritative certifications and qualifications in the industry.

CNAS Certification

ERAI Certification




CNAS China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment
China Joint Lab Shenzhen Chuangxin Online
Registration No. CNAS L12524
Effective Date 2023-04-04
Expiry Date 2025--8-21


CMA China Metrology Accredidation
China Joint Lab Shenzhen Chuangxin Online
Certificate No. 202319016950
Member Since 2019-11-7
Effective Date 2023-03-29
Expiry Date 2029-03-09


The group: GOLDEN AGE
ISO9001: 2015
Certificate No: CI/141767Q
Valid until: 13 March 2026
UKAS: A specialized national body recognized by the UK government for the accreditation and recognition of the competence of an organization.
IAF: By the world's national accreditation bodies, certification bodies and their users together to form an international accreditation cooperation organization.


ERAI: Electronics Reseller Association International Incorporated
China Joint Lab: Shenzhen Chuangxin Online
Certificate No.: 947591893-0123
Member Since: 2019-11-7
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