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Manufacturer Part Number: FF1MR12KM1HHPSA1 Manufacturer / Brand: INFINEON
Part of Description: MOSFET Lead Free Status / RoHS Status: table_img Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Shipment Way: DHL/Fedex/TNT/UPS Datasheets:
100% original and authentic
100% test report if single part is over 500USD
100% damaged replacement guaranteed

Product parameters

Manufacturer INFINEON
Series M1H
Package Tray
Description Discrete Semiconductor Modules
Manufacturer Standard Lead Time 78 Weeks
Product Status Active
Base Product Number FF1MR12
Tradename  CoolSiC
Subcategory Discrete Semiconductor Modules
Product Type Discrete Semiconductor Modules

The FF1MR12KM1HHPSA1 from Infineon falls into the category of Discrete Semiconductor Modules. These modules are generally utilized in various power electronics applications, offering specific functionalities based on their design and specifications.

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