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Home > Company Dynamics > Official Statement on Company Renaming and Logo Renewal

Official Statement on Company Renaming and Logo Renewal


Publisher: Gloden


Dear Valued Customers and Partners,

We wish to inform you of an important update regarding our company’s branding and operational management. Effective immediately, Golden Age Electronics Pte. Ltd. ( Known as G.A. Group)will be officially renamed as Golden Age Technology Pte. Ltd, and we will change a new logo.

old logo

The old logo


The new logo

The new logo consists of the letter G and the overlapping letters IC. G is the initial of G.A. Group, and IC represents the electronic components industry in which we operate. The new logo features a modernized design that combines simplicity and sophistication. It includes an updated color palette that reflects our vibrant and dynamic nature, while maintaining the familiar orange tones that have been synonymous with G.A. Group over the years. The typography has been refined for greater clarity and readability, ensuring that our brand remains instantly recognizable and impactful.

We will systematically implement modifications across all external communication channels and materials in a phased approach.

This change signifies our ongoing commitment to innovation and excellence in serving your needs. The updated logo and company name are part of our strategy to enhance our brand identity and to prevent fraudulent activities.

Please be assured that the change in name and logo does not affect our existing business operations and all contractual relationships will continue as normal under the new name. We remain dedicated to delivering the exceptional service and support you have come to expect from us.

Additionally, we urge all our clients and partners, especially those engaging in online transactions, to ensure that all communications and financial transactions are confirmed through our official email domain @ic-golden.com, and that any significant transaction documents bear the official company seal.

We also recommend that you communicate with our sales representatives via telephone for any substantial transactions, ensuring at least two methods of verification before proceeding with the transaction. Meanwhile, please be vigilant and prevent any potential frauds by others misrepresenting themselves using our former company name, Golden Age Electronics Pte. Ltd.

Thank you for your ongoing trust and support of G.A. Group.


Operations Team 

Golden Age Technology Pte. Ltd. (Known as G.A. Group) 

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